OpenCNAM provides a simple caller ID service, just as the one you might find on your smartphone.
It thus provides an easy interface to try and enrich a phone number with a possible name for the owner. This is now available in Maltego in the form of the Lookup Phone Number [OpenCNAM] Transform.
You can read more about Maltego Standard Transforms here.
Maltego OpenCNAM Transforms
Lookup phone number [OpenCNAM]
Uses the OpenCNAM API to retrieve a Person for a Phone Number.
Transform Settings
Display Name | Setting Type | Default Value | Optional | Popup | Authentication |
OpenCNAM API Key | string | True | False | true | |
OpenCNAM Account SID | string | True | False | true |
Transform Meta Info
Information | Value |
Display Name | Lookup phone number [OpenCNAM] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | OpenCNAM |
Transform Name | maltego.opencnam.lookup_phone_number |
Input Entities | maltego.PhoneNumber |
Output Entities | maltego.Person |
Short Description | Uses the OpenCNAM API to retrieve a Person for a Phone Number. |