The Google Social Network Transforms help investigators search for people and aliases in major social media networks for free.
Powered by The Google Programmable Search Engine, a platform provided by Google that allows web developers to feature specialized information in web searches, refine and categorize queries and create customized search engines, based on Google Search.
To learn more, visit: https://programmablesearchengine.google.com/about/
You can also read more about the Google Social Network Transforms on our website here.
Using your own Engine ID
Please note: Should you want to use your own Engine ID, you need to use your own API key as well
Maltego can see the most frequent customer queries run (in an aggregated manner, and not for specific customers). If you do not wish this to be seen by Maltego, you can insert your own Engine ID. The process to do so is outlined below.
To create a Programmable Search Engine and get the Engine ID (adapted from https://developers.google.com/custom-search/docs/tutorial/creatingcse) please follow the steps outlined below:
Sign into Control Panel using your Google account (register a Google account if you don't have one).In the Sites to search section, add the page you want to include in your search engine. For the Transforms to function optimally, you will have to create one search engine per Transform and site.
The Search Engine sites must match the sites searched for by the respective Transforms. Also, be sure to turn off the Search the entire web option to get the most results.
An example of the search engine configuration for the To LinkedIn profile can be seen in the image below.

Click Create. Copy the Search Engine ID. To insert the Engine ID into Maltego, search for the corresponding Transform, and click the wrench icon to configure it. Insert your custom Engine ID into the options.
A list of all the Google Social Network Transforms for Maltego, powered by the Google Programmable Search Engine, can be found below.
To LinkedIn profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for LinkedIn Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for LinkedIn | string | | true | false | false |
Locale (en_US, de_DE, ru_RU and etc) | string | | true | true | false |
Display Name | To LinkedIn profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Transform Name | maltego.cse.person_to_linkedin_profiles |
Input Entities | maltego.Person |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for LinkedIn Profiles using Google. |
To Instagram profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for Instagram Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for Instagram | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To Instagram profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for Instagram Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_instagram_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_instagram_profiles | maltego.Alias |
To VK profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for VK Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for VKontakte | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To VK profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for VK Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_vk_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_vk_profiles | maltego.Alias |
To Reddit profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for Reddit Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for Reddit | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To Reddit profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for Reddit Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_reddit_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_reddit_profiles | maltego.Alias |
This Transform will search for Twitter Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for Twitter | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To Twitter profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for Twitter Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_twitter_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_twitter_profiles | maltego.Alias |
To GitHub profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for GitHub Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for GitHub | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To GitHub profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for GitHub Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_github_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_github_profiles | maltego.Alias |
To Facebook profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for Facebook Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for Facebook | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To Facebook profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for Facebook Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_facebook_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_facebook_profiles | maltego.Alias |
To MySpace profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for MySpace Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for MySpace | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To MySpace profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for MySpace Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_myspace_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_myspace_profiles | maltego.Alias |
To YouTube profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for YouTube Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for YouTube | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To YouTube profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for YouTube Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_youtube_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_youtube_profiles | maltego.Alias |
To TikTok profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for TikTok Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for TikTok | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To TikTok profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for TikTok Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_tiktok_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_tiktok_profiles | maltego.Alias |
To Weibo profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for Weibo Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for Weibo | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To Weibo profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for Weibo Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_weibo_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_weibo_profiles | maltego.Alias |
To Snapchat profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for Snapchat profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for Snapchat | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To Snapchat profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for Snapchat Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_snapchat_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_snapchat_profiles | maltego.Alias |
To Telegram profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for Telegram Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for Telegram | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To Telegram profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for Telegram Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_telegram_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_telegram_profiles | maltego.Alias |
To Pinterest profiles [Google]
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for Pinterest | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To Pinterest profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
maltego.cse.person_to_pinterest_profiles | maltego.Person | This Transform will search for Pinterest Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.alias_to_pinterest_profiles | maltego.Alias | This Transform will search for pinterest Profiles using Google. |
To Quora profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for Quora Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for Quora | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To Quora profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for Quora Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_quora_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_quora_profiles | maltego.Alias |
To OK profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for OK Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for OK | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To OK profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for OK Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_ok_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_ok_profiles | maltego.Alias |
To Twitch profiles [Google]
This Transform will search for Twitch Profiles using Google.
API Key | string | | true | false | false |
Additional keywords (use space as a delimiter) | string | | true | true | false |
Engine ID for Twitch | string | | true | false | false |
Display Name | To Twitch profiles [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Output Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Short Description | This Transform will search for Twitch Profiles using Google. |
maltego.cse.person_to_twitch_profiles | maltego.Person |
maltego.cse.alias_to_twitch_profiles | maltego.Alias |
To Person [Google]
Get Person from Affiliation using Google.
Display Name | To Person [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Transform Name | maltego.cse.affiliation_to_person |
Input Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Output Entities | maltego.Person |
Short Description | Get Person from Affiliation using Google. |
To Alias [Google]
Get Alias from Affiliation using Google.
Display Name | To Alias [Google] |
Owner | |
Author | Maltego Technologies |
Data Source | Google |
Transform Name | maltego.cse.affiliation_to_alias |
Input Entities | maltego.Affiliation |
Output Entities | maltego.Alias |
Short Description | Get Alias from Affiliation using Google. |