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District 4

Modified on: Wed, 28 Aug, 2024 at 6:27 PM


District 4’s flagship product, Darkside, is an open-source data solution that leverages one of the largest repositories of compromised credentials and other Person of Interest data (PII).

With over 40 billion records and millions of new records added daily from deep and dark web sources around the globe, Darkside is truly at the cutting edge of cyber threat intelligence data.

This data is essential for any online investigation, especially those involving adversarial or anonymous threat actors.


District4 data in Maltego

When paired with the link analysis power of Maltego, investigators can quickly pivot off email addresses, domains, IP addresses, names, passwords and other PII to unravel a subject’s online presence; identify threat actors; determine a company’s breach exposure and perform cutting-edge OSINT investigations.

Read more about District4 Transforms for Maltego here.

District 4 Transforms

D4 - Extract Personally Identifiable Information (PII)


Extract meaningful Person of Interest data (PII) from record as well as social media profiles when available.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APIKeyAPI Keystring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display NameD4 - Extract Personally Identifiable Information
Author[email protected] 
Data SourceD4
Transform Named4piiext
Short DescriptionExtract meaningful PII from record.
Input Entitiesdistrict4.CompromisedRecord
Output EntitiesPhrase

D4 - Leaked Records Search (password)


Search plain-text or passwords that have been cracked by D4.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APIKeyAPI Keystring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display NameD4 - Leaked Records Search (password)
Author[email protected] 
Data SourceD4
Transform Named4PIIcredsearchpw
Short Description Search passwords cracked by D4
Input Entitiesdistrict4.Password
Output EntitiesPhrase

D4 - Leaked Records Search (phrase)


Search records for information in other fields like bio, signature, description, userid, connected accounts, etc.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APIKeyAPI Keystring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display NameD4 - Leaked Records Search (phrase)
Author[email protected] 
Data SourceD4
Transform Named4PIIcredsearchphrase
Short Description Search records by Phrase
Input Entitiesmaltego.Phrase
Output EntitiesPhrase

D4 - Leaked Records Search (phone)


Search records by phone number. Punctuation and spaces do NOT matter. We recommend you search with and without the country code.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APIKeyAPI Keystring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display NameD4 - Leaked Records Search (phone)
Author[email protected] 
Data SourceD4
Transform Named4PIIcredsearchphone
Short Description Search records by phone number.
Input Entitiesmaltego.PhoneNumber
Output EntitiesPhrase

D4 - Leaked Records Search (person)


Search records by name. Order is irrelevant: search is for each term in your query in the name field, e.g., 'John Smith' will return records for 'John Smith', 'Smith John', 'John Robert Smith', etc.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APIKeyAPI Keystring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display NameD4 - Leaked Records Search (person)
Author[email protected] 
Data SourceD4
Transform Named4PIIcredsearchperson
Short Description Search records by person Name.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Person
Output EntitiesPhrase

D4 - Leaked Records Search (ip)


Search records by IPv4 or IPv6 address.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APIKeyAPI Keystring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display NameD4 - Leaked Records Search (ip)
Author[email protected] 
Data SourceD4
Transform Named4PIIcredsearchip
Short Description Search records by IP
Input Entitiesmaltego.IPv4Address
Output EntitiesPhrase

D4 - Leaked Records Search (email)


Search by email address. Punctuation in the email handle does NOT matter, so '[email protected]' will return records with '[email protected]', [email protected]', etc.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APIKeyAPI Keystring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display NameD4 - Leaked Records Search (email)
Author[email protected] 
Data SourceD4
Transform Named4PIIcredsearchemail
Short Description Search by email address.
Input Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress
Output EntitiesPhrase

D4 - Leaked Records Search (domain)


Search for records by domain.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APIKeyAPI Keystring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display NameD4 - Leaked Records Search (domain)
Author[email protected] 
Data SourceD4
Transform Named4PIIcredsearchdomain
Short Description Search records by domain.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Domain
Output EntitiesPhrase

D4 - Leaked Records Search (complex)


Search records leveraging an 'AND' query to filter results.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APIKeyAPI Keystring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display NameD4 - Leaked Records Search (complex)
Author[email protected] 
Data SourceD4
Transform Named4PIIcredsearchcomplex
Short Description Search records - complex terms
Input Entitiesdistrict4.D4ComplexSearch
Output EntitiesPhrase

D4 - Leaked Records Search (alias)


Search by Alias. Punctuation in the email handle does NOT matter, so 'johnsmith' will return records with 'john_smith', john.s.mith!', etc.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APIKeyAPI Keystring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display NameD4 - Leaked Records Search (alias)
Author[email protected] 
Data SourceD4
Transform Named4PIIcredsearchalias
Short Description Search records by alias.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Alias
Output EntitiesPhrase

D4 - Email Wildcard Maker


Creates Entity to facilitate searches for a given username as part of an email address.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APIKeyAPI Keystring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display NameD4 - Email Wildcard Maker
Author[email protected] 
Data SourceD4
Transform Named4emailwild
Short DescriptionCreate wildcard email so you can search for the handle as a substring in the email field.
Input Entitiesmaltego.EmailAddress
Output EntitiesPhrase


Create complex search Entity to allow you to filter searches. A wildcard '*' is allowed at the end of each term.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APIKeyAPI Keystring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display NameD4 - Create Complex Search
Author[email protected] 
Data SourceD4
Short DescriptionCreate complex search Entity to allow you to filter searches
Output EntitiesPhrase


Transform NameInput Entities

D4 - Wildcard Email Maker


Creates an Entity to facilitate searches for a given username as part of an email address, e.g., johnsmith will capture [email protected], [email protected], etc.

Transform Settings

Setting NameDisplay NameSetting TypeDefault ValueOptionalPopupAuthentication
APIKeyAPI Keystring TrueTrueFalse

Transform Meta Info

Display NameD4 - Wildcard Email Maker
Author[email protected] 
Data SourceD4
Transform Named4aliaswild
Short DescriptionCreate wildcard email so you can search for the handle as a substring in the email field.
Input Entitiesmaltego.Alias
Output EntitiesPhrase

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