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Release Notes for Maltego Graph (Desktop)

Modified on: Tue, 8 Oct, 2024 at 8:20 AM

Version 4.8.0


Information for Maltego CE (Community Edition) free-tier  users: 

  • We are introducing a new Credit System which allows Maltego CE users to spend a free allowance of 200 Credits flexibly on any of the data integrations included in CE. Also, we are lifting a few previously imposed restrictions for CE users: CE users are now able to paste more than 50 Entities on a canvas and run Transforms on more than 50 Entities. Furthermore, CE is now allowed for commercial use and the watermark will vanish.
  • To benefit from this offer, CE users will need to reconfigure their Maltego Hub item settings, including API keys.
  • Custom Entities and icons will not be affected by this. Please note that internal Hub items may need to be reconfigured too.
  • If you have custom configurations, we advise you to backup your configs before installing Maltego 4.8.0, alternatively, wait to install the new version until it becomes available via the auto-update feature in the 4.7.0 Client (please make sure auto-updates are enabled).

Information for Maltego Paid Plan customers: 

  • If you have custom configurations, we advise that you wait to install Maltego 4.8.0 until it becomes available via the auto-update feature in the 4.7.0 Client (please  make sure auto-updates are enabled). If you prefer to upgrade and install manually, please make sure to backup your configs before installing the new version.

Please Note: Graph files saved in Maltego version 4.8.0 cannot be opened in earlier versions of Maltego Graph (Desktop) 4.7.0 or earlier. However, files from earlier version can still be opened in 4.8.0.


  • Maltego ID-based access for Commercial Plan users.
    • Added new Hub endpoint that uses JSON instead of XML.
    • Config files (.MTZ) exported through version 4.8.0 cannot be imported into older versions of Maltego.
    • Offline activation for Maltego ID users will only be available by the end of September 2024.
  • V3: Support for Property Transforms. V3 Transforms can be annotated to expect an Entity having a certain property.
  • V3: JSON based Entity, Transform Set, Machine, and icon discovery.
  • V3: Multi choice prompt functionality. Transform developers can now display more than one control (Checkbox, Dropdown or Radio controls) to the user as a prompt dialog.
  • V3: Include the Transform run contextual information in the run request message.
  • Show disclaimer messages for Hub items installed on the initial wizard.



  • Fixed bug in merging algorithm that led to exceptions when matching two Properties with the same ID but a different (date) Type by ensuring that search is only conducted in Properties with the same Type.
  • Configurable timeouts for Transform discovery.
  • Increased Hub item refreshing retry and timeout logic to increase resilience for slow connections.
  • Add support for Long Entity Property Types.
  • Fixed external file drag and drop to a graph issue on Linux.
  • Fixed startup priority of recovery dialog so that it does not overlap the onboarding dialog.
  • V3: Improve log and exception messages for Transform related request errors.
  • Fixed Transform settings not showing up in order of definition.
  • Improved messages for scenarios where there are no pre-selected Hub items to install or when Hub item discovery fails.
  • Updated naming from "Transform Hub" to "Maltego Data Hub".
  • Added a Correlation ID to related requests to improve troubleshooting across the Maltego infrastructure.
  • Implemented a retry mechanism for list Transforms request to mitigate timeout issues observed with VPN connections.
  • Fixed an issue where Transforms would fail when a Property Type was changed from string to string[] while retaining the original property name.


Version 4.7.0



  • Graph recovery following unexpected Desktop Client shutdown. Users will be presented with a “Graph Recovery’ screen on the very next Desktop Client startup. This can be used to select graphs for recovery.
  • V3: Enhanced User Prompt Capabilities for Transform developers. Transform developers can now represent multiple choice options such as Radio, Checkbox or Dropdown controls.
  • User onboarding with a guided in-Client tour. At the end of the tour, interactive graph investigations are offered based on the user’s plan entitlements.
  • New data sources are available for selection in the “Configure Maltego” Wizard.
  • Anonymous PDF reports option is offered by excluding the "maltego." prefix from Entity Type Names (IDs) when selecting report content.



  • Removed the "Run All" button for "All Transforms" where this is set in the “Run Transforms” context menu and the “Run View”, presents a checkbox option to "show/un-show" the "Run All" option at Applications menu > Options > Transforms.



  • Fixed issue with stale connections after Transform runs.
  • Fixed "ambiguous property" error for properties in different Entities with the same name but different types.
  • Fixed issue where the Hub install and uninstall performance degraded after using the Transform Manager.
  • Resolved the bug resulting in a Client exception when installed Hub items, with completed settings, had their associated setting types changed on the server.
  • V3: Correctly convert v3 Transform result property values to target property type when exporting to a table.
  • V3: Fixed the bug where XML array converter was incorrectly used for V3 list property values. The bug caused V3 list property values to be incorrectly split if the value contained any commas.
  • V3: Fixed the bug where V3 Transforms were not being cancelled when the user clicked the “Cancel Transform” button (bottom right).
  • V3: Fixed the bug where V3 Transforms would, in some instances, add Entities to the graph after the Entity limit was reached. These extra Entities were also not linked to the source Entity.
  • Fixed ClassCastException error when searching for angle brackets in graph.
  • Fixed searching for array properties in graph.
  • Fixed the bug that caused Hub installations to fail due to the use of unpadded Base64 icons.
  • Entity properties with single item JSON arrays were being converted to non-array single items when saved to the internal database. This resulted in array conversion failing when properties were loaded again. The bug occurred during entity selection on the graph.
  • Fixed the “Quick Find” search to enforce exact matches like for “Find in Files”.
  • Fixed ClassCastException (Float cannot be cast to String), that sometimes occurred when opening a graph.
  • Fixed ConcurrentModificationException while iterating sets to populate run items.

Version 4.6.0



The Maltego Desktop Client Release version 4.6.0 will include the introduction of Maltego ID for initial rollout to Maltego Community Edition (CE) users. Maltego ID offers a unified authentication infrastructure which will utilize web-based login, incorporate Multi Factor Authentication, and allow CE users to navigate directly to the Maltego registration and password reset form via the Desktop Client.

In addition, this release includes enhanced performance improvements for customers with multiple Entities and Transform installations – massively improving new Hub item installation, opening of new graphs and Transform context menus.

Interactive Transform prompts have been established to allow the query of additional input from the user through Transform execution for ad-hoc decision making through multiple queries.

We now support Base64 encoded properties in Maltego. Whenever a file is dragged onto a graph, the Maltego Desktop Client will automatically populate a Base64 Entity property for that file. This feature will enable users to send binary content in Base64 encoded form to the Transform Server.


  • As a CE user, you can now log in to Maltego using the new Maltego ID and enable two-factor authentication for additional security.
  • Binaries which are dragged into Maltego are now converted to Base64 strings and attached to the Entity as dynamic properties (the file size must be under 1MB). This way you can directly send images or PDFs to Transforms without uploading them to a cloud storage. The size limit for attachments for Transform runs is 10MB.
  • V3 Transforms can now dynamically request additional inputs from the user while they run.
  • The Transform logs now display timestamps and notification severity for each Transform notification.
  • The Maltego Desktop Client can run into issues when less than 4GB of RAM are allocated, this now prompts a warning notification when detected. Although 4GB of RAM are recommended, larger RAM will improve the Maltego Desktop Client's performance.


  • The Transform search in the Machine editor now finds Transforms across all levels instead of only in the expanded sections.
  • Recovering corrupted graphs works more reliably now.
  • Significant improvement for the performance of Hub item installation.
  • Performance improvement for opening graphs with many attachments
  • Improvement for searches in the Entity palette. Searching through 10,000 Entities now takes less than 1 second.
  • Performance improvement for opening graphs and the Transform Menu, especially when many Entities are installed.
  • Performance improvement for PDF report generation of large graphs with the added "High Memory" option
  • The Java version packaged with Windows installers has been updated to
  • We now prefer Java 17 over Java 11 if both are available



  • Fixed issue where empty property values could cause an evaluator property to show up as property value
  • V3 Transforms didn't work with OAuth. Now they do.
  • List properties of type "bool" and "date" work now
  • When deleting Entities and then undoing that, the Entities showed up at random locations
  • V3 Transform results were merged more generously than intended. We now consider strict matching rules properly.
  • A dynamic attachment property with the value "0 attachments" is no longer being added to Entities.
  • Transform sets are now removed when all the Transforms they contained are uninstalled
  • Fixed issue with the migration of local Transforms and Hub settings from previous Maltego versions.
  • Some special characters in attachment file names cannot prevent the graph from being saved anymore
  • Mac users are now shown a warning when attempting to run Maltego without Java installed
  • Capitalization of Entity names will not cause duplicated Entities in the Desktop Client anymore
  • Arabic text gets rendered better in PDF reports on MacOS
  • Fixed issue where the Maltego Desktop Client could freeze during Transform execution when updating Transforms at the same time

Version 4.5.0



  • Introducing Transform Protocol V3 - This marks the first step into the next generation of Maltego.

We have implemented a new JSON-based protocol for Transform execution called Transform Protocol V3. This upgrade paves the way for more advanced and sophisticated Transform workflows in the future.


  • Improved performance by loading the start page only once, reducing network usage significantly (network hog issue resolved).
  • Replaced mentions of "Paterva" with "Maltego" for consistency and branding purposes.
  • Expanded support for Hub items by allowing the use of "" URLs, in addition to the previously allowed "" URLs.


  • Fixed an issue where the number of installed Entities is now displayed accurately for Hub item installations.
  • Resolved a bug that caused slowness when closing the Transform Manager.
  • Addressed graph interaction slowness during background discovery when dealing with many Hub items.
  • Improved WebP icon loading on macOS M1 (ARM) chip.
  • Fixed a Concurrent_Modification_Exception that could occur when merging Entities from different Transform runs.
  • The progress bar for Transform running no longer disappears sometimes after running a machine.
  • The "accept license agreement" message will no longer be shown if disclaimers are empty.
  • Modified asterisk is now considered when numbering graph names.
  • Linux: The License Manager panel is no longer hidden behind the main frame.
  • Restricted Entity drag & drop to the graph only, disallowing dragging folders from the Entity Palette.
  • Popup and Key icons added for non-Hub Transform settings where they were missing.
  • MTZ Entity count is now only shown on the installation of Hub items, not on refresh.
  • Enhanced Date Parsing - We have made significant improvements to the parsing of date-related types. As a result, all date, datetime, and date-range properties will now be handled accurately when returned from a Transform.
  • Security: Fixed a potential path traversal bug when parsing some paired configuration files.

Version 4.4.1



  • Local Transforms work again


  • Maltego Technologies is added to the "About" dialogue.


Version 4.4.0



  • Accept all transform disclaimers step in Hub item Install Wizard
  • macOS - open MTGL graphs using double-click
  • Popup dialog when transform rate limit has been reached


  • Updated Desktop Client Look&Feel


  • "TransformSets already exists" error
  • Graph results not updating when running transforms on multiple graphs
  • Number of Transform Sets not installing deterministically
  • Spinner initial values not shown correctly on transform inputs dialog
  • 1 additional fix

Version 4.3.1



  • Time column for entity list view
  • Changed
  • Display machine help URL in missing items (transforms/entities) message
  • Changed
  • Make 'Create new Graph'-button more prominent.


  • OAuth Web Service token refresh timeout default of 10s to prevent app hanging in certain circumstances.


  • Machines that disappear after they are installed.
  • "Realizer not inflated" error when entities added to graph.
  • Additional fixes.

Version 4.3.0



  • Support for Java 17 after Maltego fresh install. Maltego officially supports Java 8, 11 and 17
  • Support for macOS Monterey and the Apple M1 chip.


  • Improved Transform Set discovery.
  • Ignore hidden property values when finding in the graph.
  • Updated splash screens to reflect minor bump to 4.3.
  • Windows & Linux - Changed system shortcut name for adjusting Java settings to "Maltego Java Config".


  • Automatically detect Temurin build of OpenJDK after AdoptOpenJDK move to Adoptium.
  • Display and persist Local Transform Server underneath Internal Hub Items.
  • 4 additional fixes.

Version 4.2.19



  • Configuration options to choose the preferred Java 2D rendering.


  • Improved certificate error messages.


  • Proxy - fixed javax.script.ScriptException when parsing PAC files.
  • Export - fixed java.lang.NoSuchMethodError for FileChooserUtil.addAdditionalFieldsToChooser.
  • XML - fixed java.lang.ClassNotFoundException for org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException.
  • 1 other fix.

Version 4.2.18



  • More options on PDF export: Entity images, images from Entity Display Info, empty Entity properties.
  • Optional Byte Order Mark (BOM) on CSV export for languages that contain special Unicode characters.
  • Truncate multi-line Notes on the graph. Made the truncate length configurable in the Options dialog.


  • Improved time till responsiveness for large graphs.
  • Ignore hidden entity properties in PDF and CSV export.
  • Decreased width of entity property key column in PDF export.


  • Right-to-Left (RTL) text in PDF export.
  • Cached images for main Entity display from graphml files not showing.
  • "Zoom to Fit" now centers Entities when notes are not shown.
  • NoSuchMethodException exception for new versions of Java 8.
  • Support Byte Order Mark (BOM) on CSV import to read languages that contain special Unicode characters.
  • Display appropriate number of decimal places in Entity property spinners.
  • 2 additional fixes.

Version 4.2.17



  • Custom Hub Items showing as uninstalled after restarting.
  • "(':') in file name is forbidden" error when running Transforms.

Version 4.2.16



  • Checks if user, cache and temp dirs are writable.


  • Kali splash screen.


  • Transform Seed does not exist error that could occur when updating Hub Item URLs.
  • Cannot convert value error when exporting to machine readable table.
  • 4 additional fixes.

Version 4.2.15



  • MacOS - native launcher to allow file browser access in downloads, etc. dirs after MacOS security updates.


  • Clear sample values if all properties still have their sample values and a property is modified.

Version 4.2.14



  • opening of URLs longer than 199 characters in the Edge browser.
  • "Entity not found" when deleting a collection after loading a graph for which collections are supposedly disabled.
  • an issue that prevented certain Viewlet functions to work correctly.
  • link properties not set correctly for multiple links going to two entities that merged when turning link merging off.

Version 4.2.13



  • WebP image read support.
  • Support for subscription plans associated with licenses.
  • Maltego One support.


  • Make hub item details panel move-able & don't scroll header.
  • 7 additional changes.


  • Use GraalVM JavaScript engine for viewlets (Nashorn removed in Java 15).
  • Increased Java memory slider max from 16000 to 248000 MB.
  • Error on MacOS Big Sur "UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library 'CoreServices'".
  • Don't use NotoColorEmoji.ttf to prevent "Table 'loca' does not exist" errors.
  • Problem with updates (rare).
  • Flickering of the hub item descriptions upon filter changes.
  • NPE when OAuth service says it supports refresh tokens but a refresh token is not provided.

Version 4.2.12



  • Data Hub improvements (tags, badges, filtering, searching, sorting, hyperlinks, help & details dialog).


  • The background image for the Mac DMG package.


  • An issue with the recommended Java selection in Linux.
  • The Java Options not always launching when selected in the Windows installer.
  • Prevent the Detail View from downloading images when in Stealth mode.
  • Let the Start Page and Detail View use the configured proxy when downloading content.
  • Implemented fixes for the XML eXternal Entity injection (XXE) vulnerability.
  • 3 additional changes/fixes.

Version 4.2.11



  • Java 14 support.


  • Increase the Start Page font size if the font size in the Options panel is increased.
  • 6 additional changes/fixes.

Version 4.2.10



  • Display entity type IDs next to their display names in the Transform Manager.
  • Truncate Notes on the graph per line. Made the truncate length configurable in the Options dialog.
  • Word wrap toggle buttons for Notes in the Details dialog.
  • Web browser options to the first run wizard.
  • Display the Entity Details dialog when double-clicking on an Entity inside a Collection Node.
  • Added Ctrl+Enter shortcut for opening the Entity/Link Details dialog.


  • Removed the Nominatim Location entity type.
  • Set the file extension filter to ".lic" explicitly for the license file browse dialog.
  • Improved label truncation length options.
  • Update the bundled Java from Oracle JDK 1.8 (202) to AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.7 in the Windows installer.


  • Prevent (even more) "Invalid lock [null]" entity errors.
  • MalformedByteSequenceException.
  • Type conversion issue for properties with missing groups when converting from paste with regex.
  • Fixed attaching URLs containing illegal file characters.
  • Fixed import of icons with names ending on numbers.
  • Fixed "target cannot be null" error when running transforms.
  • Fixed silent install (using /S) for the Windows installer with Java bundled in.
  • Fixed proxy reload NPE.
  • Fixed dragging multiple Transforms to a Transform Set in the Transform Manager.
  • 3 additional changes/fixes.

Version 4.2.9



  • New CA certificate for Maltego.
  • Tabular import for graphs exported to tables that include all property values (grouped/flat content).
  • Left-click on entity/machine item in Run View to run (same as right-click context menu on graph).
  • Search capability to Entity Manager. The display name, description and type name of an entity are used.


  • The location of the temporary graphs from the temp to user directory to mitigate rare graph corruptions.
  • Greyed out collaboration options that are disabled in Maltego CE to avoid confusion.
  • Improved handling of escaped double quotes in pasted JSON strings.
  • Hide "EDT Slowness" errors from bottom-right popup, but still send automatic bug reports if opted in.
  • Alphanumeric sort of transform sets in Transform Manager.
  • The unique "type" name is now shown next to the display name in several entity drop-down boxes.


  • Prevent "Invalid lock [null]" entity errors.
  • Load tabular mappings along with other items from discovered paired configuration files.
  • Errors when case-invariant duplicate entities appear in the same palette category.
  • Allow empty default values for entity properties in the entity creation wizard and other property sheets.
  • Entity/Link headers must export to the same row (first) when exporting to machine readable tables.
  • 5 additional changes/fixes.

Version 4.2.8



  • Support for Java 11 after Maltego update or upon fresh install. Maltego officially supports Java 8 & 11.
  • "limit" param to machine filters to limit the payload to a max number of entities.
  • "all" machine filter to select all graph entities but, users can also use "limit" param.


  • Improved cross-platform Java detection


  • Send to URL actions (machine & context menu) to only send links between payload entities.
  • ConcurrentModificationException when copying entities with overlay mappings.
  • Display TypeName for Local Transform entity combo box instead of DisplayName to differentiate entities.
  • Various additional changes/fixes.

Version 4.2.7



  • Improved offline license activation error notification.

Version 4.2.6



  • "StackOverflowError" error causing hang on splash screen when hub item is changed.

Version 4.2.5



  • Ability to change the OAuth callback protocol and port in the Service Manager.

Version 4.2.4



  • Configuration options to choose if IPv4 or IPv6 stack and/or addresses are preferred.
  • Copy/paste to/from text with properties.
  • sendToURL() from Machines.
  • Config option to force basic authentication for proxies.
  • Machines in the context menu.


  • Improved Export to Image.


  • Import of older MTZ files containing hub items without names.
  • License activation when dashes were omitted in the key.
  • PDF report generation when images could not be retrieved.
  • Bug with Machines that did not take any input entities.
  • Removed OAuth access token length restriction.
  • 7 additional changes/fixes.

Version 4.2.3



  • Additional Privacy Mode option.


  • Show required Hub inputs in the correct order.
  • Improved IPv6 certificate hostname verification.
  • 2 additional changes/fixes.

Version 4.2.2



  • Issue with inheritance for transform entity types introduced in 4.2.0

Version 4.2.1



  • There is an issue showing bidirection text correctly in Java 8u162 to 8u201. Please use Java 8u202 instead.
  • If you are updating from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 and had issues with entities showing the wrong property value on the graph, please delete the impacted entities and update your transforms again in the Data Hub after updating to 4.2.1.
  • Merging of entity specs with overlays when refreshing Hub Items.
  • The entity value property being displayed on the graph instead of the display value property.
  • 4 additional changes/fixes.

Version 4.2.0



  • Send entity inherited types when running transforms.
  • Ability to return properties mapped to icons in the Icon Manager from transforms.
  • New tabular export formats to export all entity and link properties.
  • Flag icons.
  • Support for SVG, ICO, TIF and TIFF icons and images.
  • Text, image and color entity overlays on the graph.
  • Expressions can now be used for property mappings.
  • Icon aliases.


  • Icons from Data Hub Items are now shown separately from built-in and user icon.
  • Updated MX and NS record icons.
  • Updated the example graph.


  • Made bidirectional text improvements.
  • An issue with refreshing of entity images.
  • Transform being duplicated in the context menu if its name changed.
  • Splitting Person names into First Names and Surname if the name contained non-ASCII word characters.
  • On OAuth error when a refresh token was specified but not an expiry time.
  • Certificate error when the Subject Alternative Names contains an IPAddress type entry.
  • Clear image URLs marked as invalid and dead when refreshing images.
  • Hang that sometimes occurred when opening multiple graphs at once.
  • 25 additional changes/fixes.

Version 4.1.15



  • New tabular export formats as well as an export preview.
  • Export Graph as XML for Maltego, yEd and Gephi GraphML formats.


  • Now defaults to User License instead of Machine License in Windows.


  • Incremental layouting fix and tooltip improved.
  • Issue when transform name contained %.
  • Hang when reaching 10k entities in Maltego Classic or CE.
  • 6 additional changes/fixes.

Version 4.1.14



  • Merging of bookmarks on entities returned from transforms.
  • 7 additional changes/fixes.

Version 4.1.13



  • Text on some buttons and labels being truncated in certain Linux distributions.
  • Offline activation issue.
  • 4 additional changes/fixes.

Version 4.1.12



  • Many Collaboration fixes and improvements.
  • Fixed plurals of IPv4 Address and Person entities.
  • Added a "Dismiss All" button to dismiss all pending transform error dialogs.
  • 6 additional changes/fixes

Version 4.1.11



  • Updated User-Agent string for requests.


  • Entities sometimes not merging when they should.
  • Machines not completing when transforms return with errors.
  • Excel dates being imported as numbers instead of dates.
  • Error when using Show/Hide Notes with collections in graph.
  • "Type not found for id…" errors.
  • 8 additional changes/fixes

Version 4.1.10



  • The ribbon taskbar icons.
  • The search icons.
  • 4 additional changes/fixes

Version 4.1.9



  • Allow entity category to be edited from Entity Manager.


  • 2 small bugs.

Version 4.1.8



  • The issue with transforms unable to update source entity.

Version 4.1.7



  • Remember the Collection slider value from the last open graph when creating a new graph.
  • Pin the Home editor tab to the left.
  • Improved performance when dragging entities from the palette to the graph.
  • Improved transform result entity matching and merging performance.


  • Improved error messages when servers are not reachable.
  • Issue with entity value editing.
  • Issue when opening graph with +T.
  • Error when closing all graphs and clicking "Don't Save" in rapid succession.
  • Rare font error when trying to export to PDF.
  • Issue with Hub Transform Inputs editors losing focus after each key press.
  • Issue with editing array properties in the double-click entity edit dialog.
  • Show up-to-date Machine script when editing Machine from Run View.
  • 12 additional small bugs.

Version 4.1.6



  • Issues with matching URLs of different case.

Version 4.1.5



  • A new Certificate Manager.
  • The ability to search for links in the graph with +f.
  • Option to disable auto image downloads.


  • Regular expression issue on inherited entities.
  • Report export issue.
  • Top graph action enabled states when graph is opening/closing.
  • Update hover context when navigating entities with the arrow keys.
  • Error when editing entity containing unparsable URLs.
  • Error when importing a graph from a large table data file.

Version 4.1.4



  • An option to use a license per user instead of per machine in Windows.
  • Bookmark values are now also sent to transforms.
  • Entity properties can now be set to 'hidden'.
  • The path fields of File Chooser dialogs are now editable.
  • Automatically select the find text after using Find shortcut.


  • Changed transform slider values from 255, 4000 and 64000 to 256, 4096 and 65536.


  • Wrong discovered icon counts.
  • Change Type when the two types have properties with the same name but different property types.
  • Correctly escape "%" in property values.
  • "SyncFailedException" errors
  • Issue where properties were cleared when editing other related properties.
  • Issue when refreshing items in the hub.
  • Tabular Import failing to create link between duplicate values in the same row.
  • Issue with Output Window links.
  • "Could not install some modules" error.
  • 11 additional small bugs.

Version 4.1.3



  • "Attempt to mutate in notification" error when editing the label text of a manual link.

Version 4.1.2



  • Made it easier to input an API key when installing a hub item.
  • Increased the maximum graph to image export width from 7k to 15k pixels.
  • Improved handling of local transform errors.
  • Fallback to system fonts when trying to display Unicode characters in entity labels.


  • Issues with Find in Files for entities with attachments or of unknown type.
  • Follow redirects correctly when downloading images for reports.
  • Error when expanding certain hub items during configuration export.
  • Error that sometimes occurred when choosing Close All.
  • Rare error that occurred when many entities with date properties are returned from a transform.
  • 3 additional small bugs.

Version 4.1.1



  • Built-in machines were removed so that they are now only installed with hub items.


  • Correctly remove transform servers that are not referenced by any seeds anymore.
  • Show wait cursor when refreshing hub item.

Version 4.1.0



  • A "Relayout after 'Copy to New Graph'" option in the application Options.
  • Support for a new "UseClientAuthorizationHeader" flag in the OAuthAuthenticator xml.


  • Merged CaseFile, CE, Kali, Classic & XL into a single distribution.
  • Major improvements to how licensing works.
  • Improvements to error reporting.
  • Show custom/user hub items first in the hub.
  • Changed the location of "Options" in the application menu.
  • Zoom-to-selection after pasting on a graph.
  • Zoom-to-fit after doing a copy to new graph action.
  • Replaced the scale option with pixel width when exporting a graph as an image.
  • Reduced bandwidth used when checking for updates.
  • Improved performance of Find in Files for *.mtgl files.
  • Improved performance when uninstalling hub items.
  • Improved performance when many (thousands) of the same type of entities are returned.
  • Improved performance when selecting many entities with many transforms and machines installed.


  • Added workaround for JDK-8160328 rendering bug.
  • Freeze when deleting multiple transforms in the Transform Manager.
  • Selection/hover context between graph, Detail View and Property View going out of sync.
  • Persistence of tabular import links.
  • Full screen drag select issue on Mac.
  • 35 additional small bugs.

Version 4.0.18



  • Entity value cleared when double clicking on label and clicking away.
  • Dragging of the main window laggy.
  • 3 additional small bugs.

Version 4.0.17



  • Automatic error reporting (opt-in).
  • Support for refresh tokens and expire times in OAuth2.0 for managed services.
  • Drag and drop graph files into Maltego to open them.
  • Palette search box.
  • Graph context menu search box.
  • Automatically bring up the find bar when typing with the graph active.
  • Drag title bar to top of screen to maximize.
  • Drag title bar down from maximize to restore.


  • Unicode issue when exporting PDF report.
  • Maximizing Maltego on secondary monitor.
  • 19 additional small bugs.

Version 4.0.16



  • A Home button under Windows in the ribbon.
  • A Refresh button to hub items so that their transforms can be refreshed without refreshing all hub items.
  • Support SSL for Managed Services callbacks with "UseSSLHost".
  • Ability to specify the request type verb for Managed Services with "RequestType".


  • Twitter access token expiring immediately after sign in.
  • 15 additional small bugs.

Version 4.0.15



  • Ability to inspect links in the Detail View by clicking on "+".
  • A "Select Leaves" button under Investigate in the ribbon.
  • A Recently Used section in the Palette.
  • License days remaining indicator.
  • A type row can now be added to tables that will be used during Tabular Import.
  • Auto detect a header row, type row and/or entity types during Tabular Import.
  • An "Unmap All" button in Tabular Import.
  • Ability to specify default connectivity strategy during Tabular Import.
  • Connectivity Table in Tabular Import.
  • Ability to select multiple files during Tabular Import.
  • Entity List View.
  • A "Save As" button to the taskbar.
  • Factory Reset.


  • Better name generation for new graphs.
  • Persist last used tabular import file and directory path.
  • Increased max font size to 25 for HiDPI screen support.
  • When exporting a graph to a table, add entities with no links to the bottom of table.
  • Select Leaves to only select leaves connected to a single parent.
  • Improved Tabular Import performance.
  • Improved PDF report generation performance and progress indication.


  • An issue where a hub item would sometimes be duplicated.
  • An issue where attachments could not be deleted from entities.
  • 29 additional small bugs.


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