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The Transform Hub

Modified on: Sat, 16 Mar, 2024 at 2:41 AM

Clicking the Transform Hub button under the Transforms tab will navigate to the Transform Hub page that displays all Maltego's Transform providers.

Maltego’s flexibility, when it comes to integrating external data, has resulted in many data vendors choosing to use Maltego as a data delivery platform for their users. The Transform Hub is built into each Maltego client and allows Maltego users to easily install Transforms built by different data providers.

Transform Hub Items

Each item on the Transform hub is called a Transform hub Item and consists of the following:

When the Transform Hub item is hovered over with the mouse pointer, the item will change to show the following options if the item is successfully installed:

Hub item Details page:

Installing a Hub Item

To install a new Transform Hub item simply click the Install button which appears when the mouse pointer is over the item:

An installation confirmation dialog will appear:

Enter any authentication credentials if required.

Note: You are able to change these later.

Clicking Yes will open the installation wizard:

Once the Transform Hub item has finished installing, an installation summary page will appear, listing all installed items:

Note: It is not only Transforms that are installed from a Transform Hub item. Any one or more of the items listed below can be installed to the Maltego Client when installing a new Transform Hub item.

  • Transforms
  • Transform Sets
  • Entities
  • Machines
  • Icons

Once the installation is complete, the new Transform Hub item will be found in the context menu when running Transforms and the Hub item will show three options when hovered over on the Transform hub: "Refresh", "Details", and "Uninstall". 

Item Settings

Some of the Transform Hub items will have a Settings button. You will be able to access it by clicking on the details option that appears on mouse pointer hover over:

Clicking the Settings button will open the Transform Seed Settings window that is used to make global settings which will be adhered to for all Transforms in the Hub item. These settings are often used for Commercial Transform Hub items to manage API keys.

Uninstalling an Item

Uninstalling Transforms from the Transform Hub can be done by clicking the Uninstall button on the Hub item:

Note: Entities that are added from a Transform hub item will not be deleted when the Transform hub item is uninstalled. This is because Transform hub items often use some of the same Entities.

Updating/Refreshing the Transform Hub

In the top right-hand corner of the Transform Hub there are two buttons, Refresh and Update.

  • Refresh: Refreshes the Hub Items displayed in the Transform Hub (including the items themselves, descriptions, URLs etc., but does not refresh installed Transforms).
  • Update: Updates the Transforms of installed Hub Items. Note: The Maltego Desktop Client also periodically updates Transforms.

Alternatively, shut down and then restart the Maltego Desktop Client. Within a few minutes of startup, the Desktop Client performs both the Refresh Transform Hub and the Update Transforms functions. 

Manually Adding a Hub item

To manually add a new Transform Hub item to a Maltego Client click the plus (+) button in the bottom left-hand corner of the Transform Hub that is displayed under the "Internal Hub Items" section.

After clicking the plus (+) button the Add Transform Seed window will open as shown below. The Transform Seed URL and other meta details for the Transform Seed can be added as shown in the image below:

After clicking OK, the Transform Seed will appear as a new Transform Hub item:

Clicking Install will add the Transform to the Maltego Client.

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