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How do I monitor sentiment in a case?

Modified on: Wed, 16 Oct, 2024 at 4:26 AM

It is possible to track what public emotions are going on in social media. To do so click on Sentiment above the message feed. This will show the sentiment score (on the left) and the sentiment cloud (on the right). 

Besides the negative score you can find the spiderweb with negative sub-sentiment. 

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Analysis is only done on Twitter messages retrieved in the case. 

Every message that is deemed as negative or positive is marked with a label. Select the 3 dots next to the label to disapprove of the analysis. This means the message won't be taken into account in the analysis score. The message will still be visible in the case. 

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The sentiment score is divided into positivity and negativity. 

The score represents the percentage of Twitter messages detected by AI as including a positive or negative sentiment. The score is determined by dividing the number of messages received including sentiment by the total number of messages received. 

For example, if there are a total of 500 messages and 100 of them have a negative tone, the negativity score is 20%. 

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Click 'View details' below the sentiment scores to see a summary of the recent negative or positive messages. Scroll down in the summary and select 'View all' to filter alle the negative or positive messages in the case. 

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The negative sentiment has, next to an overarching score, also sub-scores for each of the 5 sub-sentiments: Fearful, Angry, Sad, Hateful and Confused. 1 message may contain multiple sub-sentiments. 

Move the cursor over the axes to see the percentual scores of each of the sub-sentiments. 

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The sentiment cloud shows the most frequently used terms from the messages retrieved including sentiment. 

To gain a deeper understanding of public narrative, the cloud is also divided into positive and negative. The red circles represent negative sentiment, while the green circles represent positive sentiment. 

The bigger a circle is, the more frequently a word is mentioned. To identify the number of mentions and the term, hover your mouse over a circle. 

Select a word to see a summary of messages containing this word. Scroll down and select 'View all' to filter all the messages in the case that contain this word. 

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Maltego Monitor AI provides sentiment certainty about positivity or negativity. The brighter a sentiment circle is, the more certain the Maltego Monitor technology is that the word is positive or negative. The lighter a circle is, the less certain the sentiment pertaining to the word. 

To refresh the Sentiment Analysis, click on the 'Refresh' button on the top right corner of the sentiment cloud. 


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