In case, you can set up to 5 search languages per search. With every new search, you can select the search language(s) again. This way you can combine multiple languages in one case.
At the top right of the search bar, you can select the desired search language(s).
When you make use of building blocks in the search, Maltego Monitor automatically uses the English search terms from the building blocks as soon as the search language is set to 'English'.
If you set the search to a different language, it automatically takes the terms that were added to the building block under that language. Whatever search language you choose, the system automatically searches with the terms from the building block in that language.
If you search multilingual within cases, it is therefore very important that the advanced users fill and maintain the building blocks in all desired search languages. This way you ensure that you can quickly get the right results in the desired language at any time.
Create a case with a different search language
Whatever language you select in the first step of the wizard, this will become the default search language of all subsequent searches in the same case. But these search languages can be changed when the Wizard is completed.
How do filters with different languages work?
For filters, you do not have to enter a search language. The search query in the filter searches through all search results in all languages.
When you make use of building blocks in the filters, Maltego Monitor automatically uses the English search terms from the building block to match English messages from a search query, and for example the French search terms from the building block for all French messages.