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Add Maltego-TRX Transforms to Maltego Desktop Client via iTDS

Modified on: Wed, 27 Sep, 2023 at 9:38 PM


The Maltego-TRX library is used to rapidly develop Transform in a fast-paced organization.

Using built-in discovery protocols, these Transforms can be seamlessly added to iTDS and then distributed to Maltego Desktop Clients using Seeds in a manageable fashion with the least complexity. 

This document contains the steps to add Local Transforms written using the Maltego-TRX library to your iTDS, and then distribute your Transforms to the Maltego Desktop Client using Seeds.

Steps to add Local Transforms to the iTDS

Step 1: Setup Maltego-TRX Server

Setup Maltego-TRX server using any one of the methods given below:

  1. Setting up a Development Environment
  2. Deploy Production Environment

Step 2:  Find the Transform URL

Find the URL of each Transform in the following example project structure:

         └── transforms

Use this command to list all available Transform:

cd /var/www/TRX/
python list

You should receive a similar output:

= Transform Server URLs =
/run/dnstoip/: DNSToIP
/run/greetperson/: GreetPerson

= Local Transform Names =
dnstoip: DNSToIP
greetperson: GreetPerson

We will be using the DNSToIP Transform by copying "/run/dnstoip/" from line 3.

The complete Transform URL then will become:

"" being server IP or hostname

Step 3: Add iTDS Seed

After setting up the iTDS, create an empty Seed by going to iTDS Admin UI > Seeds > Add Seed

Step 4: Add Transform to iTDS

Add Transform URL by going to  iTDS Admin UI > Transforms > Add Transform.

Step 5: Install Seed

Please refer to article, Adding an iTDS Seed to the Maltego Desktop Client for instructions.

Step 6:

Test by dropping a DNSName Entity on to a graph and then right-click > TRX Seed Transforms > TRX DNSToIP to get an IPv4Address output Entity.

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