User connections

Modified on: Thu, 17 Oct, 2024 at 6:00 AM

Here's some information about how users might be connected.

Types of user connections

There are 6 types of links.

  • Direct friendship
  • Follower
  • Reaction
  • Comment
  • Posting
  • Chat message 

New in Maltego Evidence is the weighting of links in Analytics. This allows the number of links to be viewed in total.

Direct friendship

At least one of two contacts has an open, or for the crawling profile visible friend list. This can be used to define if a direct friendship exists between profile A and profile B.


A link between two profiles can be established via a follow.


A link between two profiles can be established via a reaction. For Facebook, for example, there are 7 possible reaction types.


A link between two profiles can be defined via comments which have been written under posts or media. If a user comments on the comment of another user, then these two users are also connected via a comment link.

Chat message

A link between two profiles can be created via an answered chat message. When a user responds to a chat message from another user, these users are indirectly linked to each other.


If a user shares a post of another user on his profile, both users will be linked to each other via this post.

Weighting in Analytics

Here in this example: 1 friend and 47 reactions.


Account linking

New in Maltego Evidence is account linking. This allows you to link all profiles that connect in the same or different network and can be assigned to a person, page or group.

In the Profile Explorer, account linkings are displayed via groupings.

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Overview in Analytics

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