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Machine Syntax Reference

Modified on: Tue, 16 Jun, 2020 at 5:10 AM


Arguments in square brackets are optional.

Action NameDescription
bookmark(int, [overwrite:bool])Bookmarks an Entity.
clearBookmark() Removes the Entities' bookmark.
delete([parents: int], [children int])Deletes the selected Entities from the graph.
deleteBranch()Deletes Entities and their children.
exportImage(String path, [suffix:bool], [dateFormat:String])Exports the graph as a PNG file to the given location. Default date format: Default is yyyyMMdd-HHmmssSSS. 
log(String msg, [status:String], [showEntities: bool])Prints the given text in the Machine Run window.
run(String transformID, [slider:int],[ignoreSeenEntities:bool], [(transformSetting) key:String])Runs a Transform.
saveAs(String Path, [suffix:bool], [dateFormat:String])Saves the current graph to a file. Default date format: Default is yyyyMMdd-HHmmssSSS. 
setLayout(String Layout , [scope:String] )Sets the current layout mode and performs a layout of the graph.
  • Available layouts: Block, Organic, Circular, Hierarchical, Interactive Organic
  • Available Scopes: global, local
status(String msg)Updates the status in the Machine Run window.
userFilter(String Title, [description:String], [icon:String ], [heading:String ], [proceedButtonText:String],[removePromptText:String], [removePromptChecked:Boolean],[selectEntities:Boolean], [showIncomingLinks:Boolean],[showOutgoingLinks:Boolean])Shows a user filter to allow the user to make a manual selection.


Arguments in square brackets are optional.

Filter NameDescription
value(String Value, [Like:String], [ignoreCase:boolean], [equalTo:boolean])Filters Entities based on their value.
type(String Value, [scope:String])Filters Entities based on their type.
  • Available Scopes: global, local
age(int Value, [equalTo:int], [moreThan:int], [lessThan:int], [invert:Boolean], [scope:String])Filters Entities based on their age on the graph as measured in seconds since their first appearance.
  • Available Scopes: global, local
bookmarked([int], [invert:Boolean], [scope:String])Matches Entities based on their bookmark.
  • Available Scopes: global, local
degree(int Value, [equalTo:int], [moreThan:int], [lessThan:int], [invert:Boolean], [scope:String])Filters Entities based on the number of links.
  • Available Scopes: global, local
incoming(int Value, [equalTo:int], [moreThan:int], [lessThan:int], [invert:Boolean], [scope:String])Filters Entities based on the number of incoming links.
  • Available Scopes: global, local
outgoing(int Value, [equalTo:int], [moreThan:int], [lessThan:int], [invert:Boolean], [scope:String]) Filters Entities based on the number of outgoing links.
  • Available Scopes: global, local
property(String title, [equalTo:int],[like:String], [ignoreCase:Boolean, [invert:Boolean], [scope:String])Filters Entities based on the value of a property.
  • Available Scopes: global, local


Run a Machine from the Command line

maltego --machine “<name> <entity type>=<entity value>”


  • -f  Fullscreen
  • -q  Exit Maltego after machine completion
  • -i#  Run perpetual machine # for iterations

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