Modified on: Tue, 28 Jul, 2020 at 10:52 AM

Entity Meta
Display Name | Event |
Entity Name | maltego.Event |
Short Description | An occurrence usually linked with a time and place |
Entity Category | Events |
Base Entity | maltego.Location |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Title | title | string | The event name | Event |
Start Time | starttime | datetime | The start of the event | |
Stop Time | stoptime | datetime | The stop of the event | |
Meeting (Social)

Entity Meta
Display Name | Meeting (Social) |
Entity Name | maltego.MeetingSocial |
Short Description | A gathering of people for discussion or entertainment |
Entity Category | Events |
Base Entity | maltego.Meeting |
Conversation (Email)

Entity Meta
Display Name | Conversation (Email) |
Entity Name | maltego.ConversationEmail |
Short Description | A conversation via email |
Entity Category | Events |
Base Entity | maltego.Conversation |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Sender Email | email | string | The email address of the sender | |
Recipient Emails | email.recipients | string[] | The email address of the recipients | |

Entity Meta
Display Name | Meeting |
Entity Name | maltego.Meeting |
Short Description | A gathering of people |
Entity Category | Events |
Base Entity | maltego.Event |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Title | title | string | The event name | Meeting |
People | people | string[] | The people involved | |

Entity Meta
Display Name | Incident |
Entity Name | maltego.Incident |
Short Description | An event or occurrence (for instance a murder or robbery) |
Entity Category | Events |
Base Entity | maltego.Event |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Title | title | string | The event name | Murder |
Conversation (Phone)

Entity Meta
Display Name | Conversation (Phone) |
Entity Name | maltego.ConversationPhone |
Short Description | A telephonic conversation |
Entity Category | Events |
Base Entity | maltego.Conversation |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Caller Number | phonenumber.caller | string | The phone number of the caller | |
Callee Number | phonenumber.callee | string | The phone number of the callee | |
Start time | starttime | datetime | The start of the conversation | |
Duration | duration | timespan | The duration of the conversation | |
Meeting (Business)

Entity Meta
Display Name | Meeting (Business) |
Entity Name | maltego.MeetingBusiness |
Short Description | A gathering of people for a commercial purpose |
Entity Category | Events |
Base Entity | maltego.Meeting |

Entity Meta
Display Name | Conversation |
Entity Name | maltego.Conversation |
Short Description | A form of communication between two or more people |
Entity Category | Events |
Base Entity | maltego.Unknown |
Entity Properties
Display Name | Unique Name | Data Type | Short Description | Sample Value |
Title | title | string | The event name | Conversation |
People | people | string[] | The people involved | |