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Frequently Asked Questions on Maltego and everything it involves
About Maltego
What is Maltego?
Who is Maltego Technologies GmbH and where are they based?
What can I use Maltego for?
Does Maltego offer training or learning courses?
Maltego is a powerful tool. How do you ensure it does not fall into the wrong hands?
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Maltego Products and Plans
Maltego Products and Plans
What is Maltego Community Edition (CE)?
What is Maltego CaseFile?
What is a Comms Server?
Where can I buy Maltego from?
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Privacy, data and usage
Does Maltego own, process, or store data?
Does Maltego use in-product tracking?
What is stored when I register for a Maltego ID?
What is logged when I run a Transform?
If Maltego is open-source where can I find the source code?
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Technical requirements/how-tos
Which version of Java should I use and how do I configure it?
How do I move my Maltego Client license to another machine?
Where can I find Maltego's log files?
My Maltego application won't start after a fresh installation, why?
Why can't I find my country on the list for purchase and/or registering Maltego?
I did not receive my activation link after I registered a community account. What do I do?
How do I reset my community account password?
Why am I asked to enter an API key when I have already activated my Maltego Desktop Client?
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