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Backup iTDS 4.0.x - 4.1.x

Modified on: Mon, 5 Jun, 2023 at 11:12 AM


From iTDS version 4.0 +, the SQL dump backup mechanism has been replaced by CSV exports that are available on a per section/table basis. 


To use this feature there are two buttons on the list page of each section which allows you to import and export rows for that section. 




A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated 


To create a CSV export for a section you can click on the Export button on the top right corner of the page.

By default, if a user does not select any item on the list, this action will export all items, if some items are selected, only those items will be exported. 




The items will be exported and downloaded to a CSV file. The file name is formatted as follows: exported_<title>_<date>.csv, for example, an exported file for Transforms could be: exported_transforms_24.12.2020.920.csv. 






On clicking the Import button, a page will open where you can select a CSV file to import data. 




A CSV file must follow the correct format, otherwise the import action will fail.

The easiest way to generate a well-formatted CSV file is to use the export feature above. 



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